Ignoring the otherwise horrid play of the team this week, it was a pretty decent week at the park.  On Sunday, I sat next to a couple of older couples from Kansas, who said they go and visit a new stadium each season, and we sat with the regular ticket holders who sit behind me and talked baseball, and I mean some old school stuff.  Changing pitcher’s motions and steps, old players and new ones, and all that.

On Tuesday, I sat next to a family from New York, and personally next to a redhead who I got to (try to) impress with my otherwise useless grasp of Giants trivia.  I got to score points with some Yankees-related Giants trivia (as in, what player was the first to hit a ball into the water in any sort of game?).  Those opportunities don’t come very often.

This is what I’ve always loved about baseball, the ability to sit next to literally anyone, of any age, gender, or any other demographic group, and know you have something in common, even if it isn’t the color of your cap.  You really get that in the minors, but it doesn’t happen as often in the majors.

It’s nice…most of the time.